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Hair treatment 

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Although we want to concentrate on the head more than the home.  Here are some practical tips

- Vacuum your home, including furniture 

- Vacuum vehicles, including carseats

- Empty vacuum canister/bag and be sure to clean the vacuums roller bar

- Put all bedding & stuffed animals into the dryer on hot for 40 min

- Wash the clothes and towels worn/used in the past 48 hours. 

- Put all hair brushes and combs in the dishwasher, freezer, or boil

along with all hair ties, headbands & barretts.

There are many suggestions on ways to treat lice but we have found that no one can dispute the effectiveness of thorough combing.  Removal of lice is still the best treatment for riddance of this pesky bug.  And with the development of SuperLice this has never been more true.  

Some companies offer "heat treatment".  Entomologists say that lice and nits have to be heated to 130 degrees to die, this extreme heat is intolerable to the human head. 


-Adult lice and nymphs (baby lice). The adult louse is no bigger than a sesame seed and varies in color from translucent to black.  Nymphs are red and smaller, they become adult lice about approximately 7 days after they hatch.

-Nits (eggs). These look like brown dots firmly attached to the hair shaft.. Lice usually lay nits on hair shafts close to the scalp, where the temperature is perfect for incubation until they hatch. They are commonly found behind the ears and at the nape of the neck on girls who often wear their hair down.  On boys they will be found at the thickest part of the hair.  Nits are ofter mistaken for dandruff, but unlike dandruff, a nit cannot be  removed by brushing or shaking them off.

-Casings.  Casings are empty eggshells from nits that have hatched.  They are found more than a 1/4" down the hair shaft and are white, yellow, or translucent in color.  If there are casings on the hair, this is a sign of a matured infestation or a previous infestation.  If you have not had treatment, it is highly recommended to schedule an inspection ASAP..

What does lice look like

Treating your home

  1. Lice has nothing to do with hygiene
  2. Your pet cannot get or give you lice
  3. Lice cannot jump or fly
  4. Lice doesn't always itch
  5. Lice infestations can be prevented by weekly combing with a lice comb